
TaskRuns are exactly as other domain objects with two exceptions:

  1. You cannot create a taskrun without filling a few requirements.
  2. You can upload files as part of it.

Creating a TaskRun

For creating a TaskRun a project needs to be published. If the project only allows authenticated contributions, PYBOSSA will reject the creation of TaskRuns via the API. Then, in order to save a TaskRun you, your user, needs to request it first. This is mandatory to avoid scripts creating hundreds of task runs in a few minutes.

Requesting the task

In order to request a task, all you have to do is basically an API call to any of the following endpoints:




In the first case, you will be able to send a TaskRun only for the task that has been returned for your user via the newtask endpoint. In the second one, you are in charge to supply the task.ID.

Attaching a file to the TaskRun

You can create a TaskRun with an image, video, PDF, audio (or any file) by doing a POST request with the following Content-Type: multipart/form-data.

For example, in Python you could do it like this:

import requests
import json
url = 'https://server/api/taskrun?api_key=YOURKEY'
# Upload a picture
files = {'file': open('test.jpg', 'rb')}
data = {'project_id': YOURPROJECT_ID, 'task_id': TASK_ID, 'info': json.dumps(dict(foo="bar"))}
r =, data=data, files=files)
As you can see, you can submit in one HTTP request not only the file but also some extra info. The only requirement is to escape it, so PYBOSSA can parse it later on when the file has been succesfully uploaded.

This feature is pretty handy if you need to send the latitude and longitude of a picture taken by a phone. You will be able to upload the file, but also its coordinates at once.